Greetings! Thanks for coming to take a look. Welcome to my own personal internet corner where I often post my thoughts regarding my favorite subjects in both academic and everyday-life scenarios. I also share this platform with others who wish to state something to the world. Chill, this is not about being intellectual all the time, I’ll advise you when matters get serious. Enjoy your stay and hit me up if you’ve got something for me (or even if you don’t, I’ve always got time for a nice chat).
At least once a week (depends on mood + agenda)
You will have more fun over here, trust me.
Felt like giving blogging a try.
Alright, this bit is actually kind of what you see at LinkedIn…
Aug-Dec ‘22 Final Grade: 99.8/100
Key Academic Courses:
Extracurricular Activities:
Final IB Score: 39/45
Key Academic Courses:
Extracurricular Activities:
Overall High School Grade: 98.4/100
Key Academic Courses:
Extracurricular Activities:
Perfect complements for the standard academic upbringing and professional excellence
This is where the oversharing part starts.
Disclaimer: Multilinguism lies ahead. Translations are on their way, be patient. Thanks :)
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Some of the projects and adventures that I’ve enjoyed the most in recent times.
You may review some of my recent works within the global academic field. Click on the title above to see all the available documents.
La rivalidad comercial entre China y Estados Unidos se centra en los microchips y su impacto económico, con China buscando ser una potencia manufacturera dominante pero aún dependiendo de proveedores extranjeros, lo que tendrá consecuencias importantes en el mercado global.
As decentralized finance (DeFi) and cryptocurrencies gain popularity, national governments are looking to regulate them and introduce National Digital Currencies. Will DeFi be able to maintain its independence and provide an alternative to traditional centralist models?
Mexican government authorities have been forced to keep focusing their efforts to combat socioeconomic issues decimating its population such as poverty. Why is it then that conditions don’t seem to change for national citizens?
A study about Confucianism and its influence (or absence of it) in the Chinese and global sociopolitical arenas.
Buckle up, people, ‘cause it’s about to get international in here.